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【Raspberry Pi 1 Model B and 2】—— Debian 8 Jessie Based Image

本帖最後由 ckleea 於 2015-6-13 09:35 編輯

Debian 8 Jessie Based image for Raspberry Pi B/B+2
Created from the netinstaller scripts with the latest Debian 8 Jessie OS and the following packages
1. Asterisk 11 with chan_dongle support, codec g729 and silk, switchfin gui
2. Remote desktop support by tightvncserver and xrdp; xterminal desktop 用了XFCE4
3. VPN support by pptpd, softether (openvpn, sstp), ocserv, Adito (OpenVPN-ALS), StrongSWAN
4. Apache with reverse proxy support for web server
5. Mysql server
6. Kamailio sip proxy
7. Iptables with spamtables for blacklist sites
8. Webmin for server management

Images for three raspberry hardware are:
1. Raspberry Pi 2
https://drive.google.com/file/d/ ... k0/view?usp=sharing

2.  Raspberry Pi B+
https://drive.google.com/file/d/ ... W8/view?usp=sharing

3. Raspberry Pi B
https://drive.google.com/file/d/ ... G8/view?usp=sharing

Preparation and installation instruction:
1. 8GB or above Micro SD for Raspberry Pi 2/B+; 8GB or above SD for Raspberry Pi B
2. Use DD in Linux or WinDD for Windows to copy the uncompressed image to SD or Micro SD card
3. Use GParted to expand the second partition to the maximum size (it is cut down to the smallest size before the image is released). GParted can be downloaded from ISO or if you have a working Raspian image, login in GUI and install gparted.
4. 8GB should be enough as the current OS and software packages used only 3.7GB
5. Reboot the Raspberry PI 2/B+/B with the new SD or micro SD card
6. Note that there is a small bug that the red LED is off. No big deal as it is less disturbing with no flashing light
7. Check if you can get an IP for your Raspberry Pi. If yes, SSH login in via Putty
Raspberry Pi 2  - root/raspberypi2
Raspberry Pi B+/B  - root/raspbian
8. If there is no network address assigned, you have to login via local console. Same password as above.
Type ifconfig, you should see the network address for eth0
If no network device eth0 is found, do the following in the console

cd /etc/udev/rules.d
rm 70*.*

Upon reboot, you should find the raspberry with network address assigned by your router through DHCP

9. Minor suggestion, as DHCP is used, suggest to login in your router to reserve a fixed IP to your raspberry by its mac address

If you can access the raspberry by putty, everything should work

I have installed the service with ports as
1. asterisk sip port: 15066
2. as kamailio is installed as sip proxy, 5060 is reserved for it
3. asterisk GUI is provided by switchfin GUI, access by http://your_ip:10080/ login in as admin/ippbx2015
4. softether VPN is set up for openvpn and sstp on their standard ports; login password as raspberrypi2 or raspbian
5. ocserv at port 4443; account is rpi/raspbian or rpi2/raspberypi2. user password file at /etc/ocserv/ocpassword
6. webmin is on default https://your_ip:10000/

If you want to try kamailio, several accounts are created
1081, 1082, 1083, 1084
password is raspberrypi2 or raspbian
If your sip client can login into this account, your asterisk will be login as well using realtime.
However, you encounter problems or not familiar with kamailio, you may remove it by apt-get remove kamailio

I am sorry that support to the images will be limited.





CK 師兄可不可以批準D/L, email 和 我 ID 一樣


boot 唔起無反應.


回復 32# 亞星

    What wrong?


唔得, 放棄


回復 30# 亞星

    try bs=512


ck, 我寫完個 file 入 SD 試 boot 已經 boot 唔到, 係咪我寫 file 有問題? 可唔可以詳細講下點用 DD for windows 寫個 file 入張 SD

未命名.jpg (89.08 KB)



另外如發覺在插入其他USB 儲存裝置有問題可以跟下面的方法去做

#FOR Pi1
apt-get install linux-image-rpi-rpfv linux-headers-rpi-rpfv
#FOR Pi2
apt-get install linux-image-rpi2-rpfv linux-headers-rpi2-rpfv

Then add to /boot/config.txt

# Parameters to boot on raspbian kernel (linux-image-rpi(2)-rpfv package)
initramfs initrd.img-3.18.0-trunk-rpi followkernel
initramfs initrd.img-3.18.0-trunk-rpi2 followkernel




回復 23# ckleea
It were better if checksum like MD5 is provided.
RB750G, RB2011UAS-2HnD
IP01, A580IP, AT-610


回復 25# ckleea



回復 24# bigtoodog

    No. You need another image that is also available.


回復 23# ckleea

Can it be installed on Raspberry Pi B+?

