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Integration of asterisk server with different devices (整合 VOIP 裝置)

本帖最後由 ckleea 於 2011-6-10 06:14 編輯

So far I have been using asterisk 1.8 on a centos 5.6 32 bits server. I have a SPA3000 and OBi110 in the same LAN, No analog card, USG 3G modem

An IP01 is hosted in overseas + a SPA3000.

With the exception of the remote SPA3000, all are linked together and can provide the following functions.
1. SMS dial in and out
2. Fax in and out
3. remote dial via IP01 FXO
4. remote dial via OBi110 and SPA3000 through one stage dialing
5. fail over trunks for PSTN/local call
6. GV dial in and out via OBi110 and asterisk 1.8

How about yours?

It is a time for integration.

回復 46# tsm

It depends on what you intend to do so. Most routers have almost a lot of functions that one can utilize in daily computer operations. Similarly, unless you are doing server hosting, serious gaming, BT, video streaming,  you do not need that high wan to LAN throughput but more concern at the qos, reliability and security.

I am interested to look at your system setup


本帖最後由 tsm 於 2011-6-16 12:54 編輯
回復  雯雯

我個人意見就唔建議用PC 做router
1. 你要買張server grade 多 lan ports card,貴
2. 專用 r ...
ckleea 發表於 2011-6-15 15:32

I consider the opposite (not to offend your professional knowledge in the field)
but i seldom found router(non commerical/enterprise grade) got what I need
such as blocking QQ, MSN and provide detail log files on what is going on, is it true

and I found nowadays i3 or i5 can consume less than 30W and pc router is very flexible
and I just buy 2 port intel server lan card FROM taobao ~RMB100 only

why use linksys (SPA3000, I cosider not stable, too hot will hang it with no reason) or OBi100
and not an analog card built into the PC for the pstn gateway

by the way I use TDM410p  (4 port) and now change to TDM800p (also from Taobao)
and find it very reliable for almost 1 year
The TDM finishing is excellent and the component looks fine too.

although the main board (VIA C7 nc2500 ==== rubbish ) gone, capacitor broken down
and the asterisk server (centos of elastix) down in a sudden.

just for sharing only

may be I share my map later


回復 44# 雯雯

    超級米王。你需要幾多bandwidth?Business line and data center should do the job for you especially if you need VPN


回復 43# ckleea

唔考慮租server, 一來fixed ip我已經有, 二來我怕流量會爆錶. 我想起server的原因除了是一機多用外, 還有我準備遲D裝多1條PCCW 1G, 總是覺得現在用的router不太夠力!
Welcome to my TaoBao shop: http://mandymak520.taobao.com/


回復 42# 雯雯

我個人意見就唔建議用PC 做router
1. 你要買張server grade 多 lan ports card,貴
2. 專用 router 其實已經夠用有餘

1. RAM 要多,CPU 要夠級數
2. 我地唔係enterprise system

RAID system 就即是多Harddisk ,慳電更加係唔易

你會唔會考慮租server,這個比較實際,起碼有fixed IP, 24 小時冷氣


回復 41# bubblestar

想起部雙CPU和行RAID的Server, 然後run虛擬機, 這樣又可以做router, 又可以做Asterisk Server!
Welcome to my TaoBao shop: http://mandymak520.taobao.com/


相信雯雯想起勁的Server 一定不會是 Asterisk Server 吧! 現在的Asterisk Server 已是很省電也不會太熱的了,只要通風良好就是了。


回復 39# ckleea

能簡化的我都盡量簡化! 最近想起部勁的server, 正頭痛散熱問題! 整天開冷氣阿媽會罵.
Welcome to my TaoBao shop: http://mandymak520.taobao.com/


回復 37# 雯雯





其實大家都有這麼多網絡設備, 擺放和散熱也是個問題!
Welcome to my TaoBao shop: http://mandymak520.taobao.com/


回復 34# Qnewbie




回復 34# Qnewbie

Interesting. Need to read more to understand. You have very good skill here


The dialplan at the IP01 is nothing but usual one including the following outbound rule:
  1. exten=_0086xxx.,1,Macro(trunkdial-failover-0.3,${SIP1}/${EXTEN:0},${SIP2}/${EXTEN:0},SIP1,SIP2,${CALLERID(num)},${CALLERID(num)})
which includes fail-over(actually both trunks should be used in case of callback).

As for the sipsorcery side, it is:
  1. num = req.URI.user.to_s
  2. if num.index("\*")!=nil then
  3.    pos=num.index(/\*/)
  4.    caller=num[0,pos]
  5.    callto=num[pos+1,80]
  6.    sys.Callback("#{caller}@myIP01","#{callee}@myIP01")
  7. end
which parses the caller&callee number with the help of the field separator *.

At web page, just send the following message to sipsorcery:
  1. https://www.sipsorcery.com/callmanager.svc/webcallback?user=username&number=$number
where $number=$callernumber*$calleenumber.

Reference: http://www.sipsorcery.com/help/webcallback.html

