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SPA 3102 as IP01 Trunk

不知道原因,最近的SPA3102有多ECHO,要尝试了SPA3102 的HTTP Authentication 但不成功。有没有比HKEPC 更详细的说明。用AG188N可以Direct Ip 到 SPA3102,只是IP01不成。
Trunk的名字是不是同SPA user name, HTTP Authentication 一样的?

本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-2-5 21:37 編輯

回復 17# yiucsw

If you use HTTP digest authentication method with SPA3102, you are using ATA's PSTN trunk instead of IP01's analog.  This is why you don't need to establish an analog trunk in IP01.  What you are using is SPA3KHTTPD trunk which you've just created.


No need to know the reson why as soon as long it is working!




Thanks, a lot. It works. now i can dail without wait for PSTN dial tone. and do not need to remember all the number.
Not clear understand why. already upgrade to firmware 474 No Analog trunk, No ET263 Trunk.
(let me try to add the ET263 trunk and see what will happened.


On the SPA3102 side, the settings of http authentication is as below:


I use Linksys old blank template as an example instead of using my own SPA3102 screeen capture here and hope I have not missed something.  Tell me if I am wrong.


本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-2-1 16:13 編輯

IP01 using SPA3102 http digest to dial out PSTN call Settiings.

Settings on the side of Switchfin IP01



Edit the user file under Admin/File Editor as below:

Change registersip=yes to registersip=no

Last, don't forget to tick your Dial Plan to make the DP work.


回復 13# yiucsw

Sometimes, there is some DTMF detection problem for using PIN.  HTTP digest is a much better solution.  I will show you my settings later.  Don't give up.


After spend few day on SPA3102. finally give up SPA3102 as http authentication. use pin authentication instead


I'm still using SVN432.  extensions_custom.conf also not function as I wish.  Think that it is still in its infant stage.  Hope the new feautre can come into effect soonest.


sorry cannot put in extension_customer.conf, the trunk cannot show in GUI or outgoing rule trunk selection.


ok, let me try extension_custom.conf


回復 8# bubblestar

Just like Elastix and Trixbox, I think the new extension_custom.conf in the latest release of Switchfin is desgined for accommodating our own Code and custom trunks.  That may resolve / eliminate the RED question ? problem.


If do it manully instead of using GUI, we may see the Trunk name in Red color with question mark (?) under the Dial Plan Section.  One may not want to live with it if he/she is not comfortable to see this sign in the GUI.


I did it manually but not via GUI


I cannot find the trunk information under sip.conf, but there is trunk info from user. conf.
But the format seems different:

