Many members use IP01 in a productive environment. Might be it is better to choose other cheaper platform, like DD-WRT, which is more popular and easy to ...
Since the initial setup for the Analogue blackfin development environment is completed, the next task is to study the way of writing simple programming code such as flashing the l.e.d on the IP01 box.
For me, it also took about 45 minutes to fresh compile before. I recall, but not exactly sure, that we may choose to save all the files after completion. In that case, it will drastically make the next compilation faster on top of the first one.
I mean for the new version. For the recompilation, I understand this as after the first compilation, I have downloaded most files and make some of the modules. recompilation is just for the new option checked and make image.
You do not need to do so. You may shorten the developed by just modify the settings in the "make menuconfig" and then make it agin and followed by make image. That's all, the totoal time for these remakes took you about 10 minutes. It is pretty fast and not time consuming.
Everytime I make a clean compilation by removing all the old codes and then redownload by svn checkout.
This is why I take almost an hour to do so especially in between I forgot to check the option of CPU to compile.
The first compilation using my old IBM T43 notebook took about 45 minutes to complete the process. For the second compilation after having enabled g729 option, it took less time to do, it was around ten minutes.