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IDD 0088 網絡優化管理/Quality Control Measures



IDD 0088 網絡優化管理
多謝您一直支持「 IDD 0088無限打月費計劃」服務。

為了提供更優質的服務,由2013年11月1日起,我們將會採取流量管理措施,以防止網絡擠塞及優化網絡的性能表現。當閣下之IDD 0088 通話用量超過每月 1,000 分鐘時,你仍可繼續使用 IDD 0088 服務,但視乎其時之網絡繁忙程度,並不保証每次均能成功接駁。IDD 0088 之每月 1,000 分鐘通話用量會於每月一號重設為0分鐘並重新計算,若一號為假日,將會順延至下一個工作天。其他條款及細則維持不變。

上述流量管理措施將於 2013年11月1日生效。客戶如欲終止 IDD 0088 無限打月費計劃,請於2013年10月29日前通知本公司,而本公司將不會就終止有關月費計劃收取額外的費用。

希望您繼續使用 IDD 0088服務,與海外親友時刻保持緊密聯繫。

閣下如欲查詢上述計劃詳情,請致電2180 0088。

和記環球電訊有限公司 謹啟

Dear Valuable Customer,

IDD 0088 Quality Control Measures
Thank you for your continued support of the “IDD 0088 Unlimited Plan”.

In order to ensure service quality, we will take traffic control measures to optimize network performance starting from 01 Nov 2013. If your IDD 0088 monthly usage level exceeds 1,000 minutes for each month, you can continue to use the service. However, we cannot guarantee that all call attempts will be successful: this will depend on how busy the network is at any given period. The usage level of 1,000 minutes per month will be reset on the 1st of each month. If it falls on a holiday, it will be reset on the next working day. Other terms and conditions remain unchanged.

The IDD 0088 traffic control measures will apply to your service plan from 01 Nov 2013. Please notify us before 29 Oct 2013 if you opt to unsubscribe from the IDD 0088 service. No cost will be incurred for service termination.

We hope you will continue to use our IDD 0088 service to get connected with overseas relatives and friends.

We look forward to your continued support. For enquiries, please call our hotline 2180 0088.

Hutchison Global Communications Limited



仍然是無限呀. 即係等同手機上網5G用量, 過左仍然俾你用. 不過降速咁解囉.
咁1000分鐘後. 仍然俾你打. 不過打唔通咁話囉. 係非繁忙時間咪俾你打得通囉.


