本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2010-8-21 20:01 編輯
在另文學習 iNum 知識的時候,無意中於網上發現 p (Pause) 的功效,可以令到撥打電話需要二次撥號時的成功率大大增加,亦可大大減低DTMF訊號的不連貫,而令致撥號失敗。 由於覺得它能應用於手提電話==>VoIP、Siemens Dect ==>VoIP,估計在Asterisk 及大部份ATA用家都可能受惠。
Siemens 電話,只要按著左下角的 R 字,直至 p 出現即可。
下面例子已在Nokia E71 及 Siemens DECT PSTN/VoIP 上測試過,沒有問題,非常暢順,一撥即接。
一直困擾PSTN-to-VoIP / VoIP-To-PSTN 在 ATA及其他手機的朋友,不妨試一試,應該好有幫助。
1. Type the phone number into your S60 device, then insert the letter p, p stands for pause, it will pause the dialing for one second. Need it to pause for three seconds? Simply insert three p's.
2. Next you'll insert the extension or pin ID along any hash marks are stars that are needed.
If needed...
3. (if more than one extension) Finally you'll insert the PIN number followed by the hash mark and push SEND.
4. The number you dialed will look like this: +3585012345678p12345#p6789# - It dials the number, pauses for one seconds, inserts the conference ID, pauses again, then inserts the PIN code.
Your number may be shorter or longer, depending on the automated system your trying to manipulate.
Give it a try and see if it works for you. Hopefully this makes dialing your business contacts much easier, and of course this can be saved in your E71's address book. |