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Asterisk 1.6 + Asterisk-GUI using yum

本帖最後由 角色 於 2010-8-10 10:19 編輯

Follow the following link to add the Asterisk yum repositories to your CentOS:


after installation,
yum install asterisk16
yum install asterisk asterisk16-configs (without this, you are not able to see the configuration files /etc/asterisk
yum install asterisk16-addons
yum install asterisk-gui

after yumming, edit the following two files

1) http.conf
enabled = yes
binaddr =
prefix = asterisk    (In Asterisk 1.4, asterisk is default. However in Asterisk 1.6, the default is empty.)
enablestatic = yes

2) manager.conf
eanbled = yes
webenabled = yes

secret = test
read = system,call,log,verbose,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan
write = system,call,agent,user,config,command,reporting,originate

(you may put as many options as you want)

after editing, restart the Asterisk by /etc/init.d/asterisk restart

Using a browser to open

If you not able to open it, please the above settings again. If you still have problem, your CentOS firewall may be not disabled. Using the following command to /usr/bin/system-config-securitylevel to disable the firewall.


The Asterisk-GUI is the same as the AsteriskNOW 1.7 Option 4 except the Asterisk is changed from 1.4 to 1.6.



I am able to add the codecs G729 and G723 into my Asterisk 1.6 system.

If you are not able to show these codecs in "core show translation recalc 10", you may apply the following command and /etc/init.d/asterisk restart

chcon -t textrel_shlib_t /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/codec_g72[39]*.so



Now I am planning to include the codecs of speex and iLBC into the Asterisk 1.6. However they require me to install another CentOS 5 + Asterisk 1.6 source code (using tar ball) + speex source code + iLBC source code. Once the codecs developed. It could be used on the Asterisk 1.6 platform without any changes.


