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Oh! It is great. How much you spent on buying the Siemens DECT IP phone? How many handsets that you  ...
角色 發表於 2014-7-31 21:17

I only use 1 handset at the moment, i spend about AUD160 to buy it here.
I am currently using the HKD28 plan from ComNet.


Once you have used the VoIP technology and Siemens DECT IP phone, you shall love them when you are away from Hong Kong. Siemens DECT IP phone is the best IP phone that I have ever used. Besides the service provided by ComNet, there are two other VoIP providers giving the VoIP service to the HK PSTN including HKBN 2b and NWT NetTalk.


Once you have used the VoIP technology and Siemens DECT IP phone, you shall love them when you are a ...
角色 發表於 2014-8-1 21:09

I have tried HelloWay with iPhone as well,
the quality is better than comnet + soft phone,
but not as good as using comnet + dect ip phone.


I forgot to tell you that if both sides use Siemens DECT IP Phones, one can make phone calls to the other one using the Giganet internal built-in VoIP calls. For details please read the manual provided together with the phone.


我現在用這個, 蠻不錯的:
orangelau 發表於 2014-7-24 18:57

    師兄可否capture 入面D setup page 來睇睇.
draytek 2930n
寬邁 DGP306-o
Soundwin TB110
Tp-Link 1043nd
水星 mw330r




回復 21# sleepsheep

如果是简单单对单,那么基本上是一样,但是如果你房间比较大,那么DECT IP Phone就用处非常大,特别是Siemens的DECT IP phones,在房间可以互打,还有SIP Account都有六个,你想怎样拨打都可以,而如果你的亲属都有Siemens DECT IP phones,那么不用注册其他的SIP Acccount,你可以越洋互打。


回復 22# 角色



就無線電話來說,還是建議使用 DECT  的話機,如果是用 WiFi,可能會遇到幾個令人困擾的問題:
- 非常耗電,經常需要充電,這同時也代表電池會容易壞
- 收訊品質 WiFi 不比 DECT 好
- 話機很容易過熱,但 DECT 不會
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