睇番記錄, 我喺2024年2月中送出投訴Email, Freenom support隔1日回覆以下Email...
呢個日子之後 sent Email, 真有可能連d support staff 都走哂變成無人處理- Dear registrant,
- We have changed the PENDING status of your domains to AUTHORIZED.
- To ensure that this doesn't happen again we have registered the
- domains as 'Paid Domains' in our systems. Rest assured, you don't
- need to pay anything, they are 'paid for' for the next 9 years.
- Thank you for using Freenom.
- Kind regards,
- Freenom Support
複製代碼 另外, 今日我個乜乜.cf仍能正常操作
不過唔知仲玩得幾耐 |