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Interchange of Asterisk using Asterisk-GUI for Asterisk 1.8 and 1.4 systems

本帖最後由 角色 於 2012-10-20 18:46 編輯

In general, if Asterisk 1.4 provides an SIP trunk in the form of an extension number, let say 5003 to Asterisk 1.8 for connection. Asterisk 1.8 with GUI can easily register the SIP trunk (Asterisk 1.4 extension 5003). The outbound calls from Asterisk 1.8 to Asterisk 1.4 work perfectly without any problem but there are problems with incoming call from Asterisk 1.4 to Asterisk 1.8. However the following issues/problems that you may encounter as shown below:

1. Token issue and fixed by Link

2. Authentication issue and fixed by Link

3. Caller ID issue and fixed by Link

本帖最後由 角色 於 2012-10-21 18:14 編輯

刚才给雯雯通话,发现真个电话系统的音质非常好,没有之前跟她用G711那么断断续续,原来她已经安装了codec g729 (evaluation version), 那么现在真个架构是下图


如果之前的G711,改成G729 code, 所以效果比较好!

拨打电话路线是这样的: 我用我的手机拨打效果雯雯字头电话(接入香港PSTN网络),然后接入雯雯香港的IP-04,然后供IAX和G729 codec,接入大陆的QNAP TS-259 Pro的Asterisk, 然后接入OBi110,再接入Panasonic的DECT Phone。在Panasonic的Handset的LCD,能显示我香港的手机号码,所以当雯雯接到我的电话后,就可以先说:“角色师兄”,没有TS-259 Pro还没有调好的话,雯雯都不知道谁打来。(顺带一提,他用Synology 107,安装了Synology的Asterisk Package后可以显示到我的香港手机号码)。

总结一句,如果能用VPN就要用VPN,再加上IAX就更加好!怪不得雯雯希望最初希望我能帮她她把Asterisk+GUI安装在QNAP TS-259 Pro,然后同过IAX,G729,和能转送香港电话的Caller ID,已完结她的梦!因为她察觉到用IAX比用SIP好!


回復 3# ckleea

Yes it is very good enough for the application required by Mandy due to the port number used for IAX different from the usual one SIP port 5060.

