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PPTP problem on DD-WRT

I've tried to setup PPTP on my DD-WRT, I can connect to the router from my Windows XP via PPTP from the LAN side to my public IP on the WAN side, traceroute confirms the extra hop once I connected, obviously, this is not much practical use, however, it verify the login process and the connection does work.

I then took my PC to a public library, I can connect and login from the public library to my router via PPTP, however, once the connection is being made, I cannot do anything other than pinging my VPN default gateway, which is the PC itself, I cannot ping other PC on my internal network, I cannot browse the internet.

Once thing I noticed is that my internal network use IP range ( and the public library network uses IP range (, obviously the public library uses NAT too, and the 2 IP address range overlaps each other, so I assume this is at least one of the problem, so my question is: is the only solution to change my internal network IP range to something like and hope it does not overlap with whatever network IP subnet I will be using in the future?

Are there other obvious things that I should pay attention to PPTP setup on DD-WRT?

回復 2# 角色

角色兄, I been trying to access hkepc since you post your reply yesterday, but hkepc has not been accessible, are they temporarily down?

