REPLY from support
We have resolved the reboot problem as you described. Please go to to upgrade your unit to the latest firmware (ver and that will take care of this problem. (You may also try to upgrade your unit by picking up the phone and dial *** select Option 6, then press 1 if it says update available. This method is only available if your unit is already on 1.2 release). About the softer PSTN issue... Please check out the OBiHAI Forum for posts from the HK Group of users? They might be able to offer some quick tips on how to setup for HK pstn lines. Also, under the device configuration, Physical Interfaces -LINE PORT section there are some gain parameters you can adjust to help. But don’t crank up these gains too hard as they may introduce some echo on the line. You can adjust a little bit at a time (say 1 db at a time) and see if that helps. Thank you |