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check for your have the following modules - chan_gtalk, res_jabber and chan_jingle

Then follow the links to add the corresponding config
How many GV accounts you have? Better to have several more to test.
You can use your GV linked to OBi110 to call asterisk server


回復 4# 角色

Good, you can test out incoming and outgoing calls


A bit surprised that your chan_gtalk and res_jabber not enable. They are required.

Did you find them in  /usr/lib/asterisk/modules?

See my post before
http://www.telecom-cafe.com/foru ... ight=asterisk%2B1.8


回復 10# 角色

    You missed out the installation of this library in the previous installation. I think bubblestar script did include.


回復 12# 角色

Bubblestar script is the most complete I have seen.


回復 4# 角色

    Create few more for tests. You need several
one for Obi110
one for asterisk
one for your ipad
one for your testing

If you use gmail to call, you need another account/

Once you are in this asterisk 1.8, you need to carefully think about which account to put into where

