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Plz check the original blog:

It bases on chan_dongle, which uses USB stick as mobile without key, mic&speaker. Ask clkeea C-hing for more detail on chan_dongle.

For us, the BOM is
1. OBI110 HK$399.

柬埔寨手機 <----> 柬埔寨landline--->柬埔寨OBI110<---->Intenet<----> 德國OBI110--->德國landline <----> 德國手機

Furthermore, if I have 3G/4G smartphone(with dataplan), I need only one OBI110 by installing OBITALK.
柬埔寨手機 <----> 柬埔寨landline--->柬埔寨OBI110<---->Intenet<----> 德國OBITALK
RB750G, RB2011UAS-2HnD
IP01, A580IP, AT-610

