回復 33# ckleea
Following your advice, I reinstall siptosis using root as user. After installation, I tested my voice with Skype's built-in echo123 in GUI (gnome). However, only speakers work, microphone did not echo my voice recordings.
After rebooting the system, I did not see any Skype icon appear on Desktop right corner. Is it normal?
To verify Skype is running, I use the command 'top' in CLI and confirmed it is working. As I notice from http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Skype that there's a conflict between Skype and Wine (more precisely, between Skype and pulseaudio-libs.i686, on which Wine depends), would be plessed if you could tell how to resolve this?
For info., I have not created dialplan in Asterisk to test with Skype for the time being. |