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本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-5-17 16:28 編輯

回復 90# ckleea

Very strange, just rename chan_datacard.so in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules has no effect and in vain.

What I am doing now to make it work is to:

1.  add a line "noload chan_datacard.so" in modules.conf under /etc/asterisk directory.
2.  (This is an important step) rename datacard.conf to datacard.disabled.conf under /etc/asterisk directory.
3.  chan_datacard.so in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules remained intact.


Haha, agree with what you said.  So that why you describe it as "Strange" and I describe it as "Very strange".


回復 91# bubblestar

ckleea c-hing,

Glad to advise that our judgement is correct.  After re-compiling chan_datacard, it can now be recognized by latest Asterisk 1.8.4 without the need to disable any modules and config files .

I think that this also becomes our upgrading routine whenever new Asterisk release or CentOS, or Kernal update is made.


回復 98# ckleea

I used wget method before.  This time, I choose the 1st one from branch exactly like what you have been doing as below.

#get branch
svn co http://svn.asterisk.org/svn/asterisk/branches/1.8 asterisk-1.8
cd asterisk-1.8
#this is ony for format MP3 - SVN required
make menuselect
make install


回復 101# bubblestar

Maybe this is the first time that I use the svn method, therefore, I also used "make config" to get all the work done and succeeded.


In fact, the system has been set up properly and I don't have problem now including iLBC codec.  I think I have used the right method to compile this Asterisk 1.8.4 release with GUI 2.0 that I long for.

The only difference is that I use the SVN instead of wget in this update.

The original problem might be possibly arise from the transition of wget to SVN with which I have to do "make config" once again to let Asterisk read the code from the right place.

Anyway, thanks for your great help, CK.  

One thing that I want to point out is that the suggested http address to access GUI that appear in CLI after installation is WRONG.  It shows http://localhost:8088/asterisk/static/config/index.html (this is only valid for Asterisk 1.4).  The correct address should read http://localhost:8088/static/config/index.html.  I think this is one of the many reasons why some other people cannot enter into the GUI from browser.


回復 100# ckleea

My version is same as you.

gui version.png


回復 106# ckleea

As you said, there is still problem to access via IE.

I have been using APL to handle all Asterisk configuration and operation for long time.  It is no easy task to do the integration.  I have to examine line by line, word by word to ensure all settings are function as before.  As you know, the naming rules are quite different with GUI and I'm considering whether I should do it all from scratch.  But it takes time......



我剛好是相反情況,用咗咁耐Asterisk Programming Language,現在要加入GUI,真是有 D 考起自己。或這會搵一些第三方軟件(當然要免費的),主要以GUI監察一下使用情況罷了,沒有太大期望。  如果找不到的話,APL也一定會是主力,不會放棄。因為已經做咗大量customized dialplan 俾自己用,好難一下子轉回用GUI 的。


最近update 都比較快啊


回復 113# ckleea

That is why I appreciate what Elastix is doing in its own ways, steps and schedule to integrate the latest Asterisk.  They won't upgrade too fast to follow Digium's release.  All the Elastix versions are a bit 慢半拍 so that they can have enough time to test by themselves first before rolling out.  As you may also aware, Elastix just releases its Asterisk 1.8 which is almost half-year slower than Digium's debut.


那麼,Asterisk 1.4 已差不多完成了它的歷史任務了。它的穩定性及使用上的便利性,都令人留下深刻印像,儘管後繼者的Asterisk 1.6 及 1.8 增加了不少獨有強勁的功能,但相信Asterisk 1.4 在未來的一段日子仍為人所津津樂道。

向Asterisk 1.4 致敬!!



我也升了級,現在是Asterisk SVN-branch-1.8-r325416


I don't use GUI any longer.


Is the way to remove glibc and reinstall the older version easier than restore everything from backup?

