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Thanks for the information.


Thanks for the information.  Hope this latest release can really resolve the bugs as they claim.


Yes.  Asterisk 1.8.2 has improved some of the bugs in IAX that I experienced before.  Others are remaining stable so far.


Seems YUM to upgrade to Asterisk 1.8.2 is not ready yet.

I compiled.


Upgraded last night.  Thanks


本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-2-23 11:22 編輯

回復 61# ckleea

It was done at mid-night so only brief and random evaluation could be made.  SIP, IAX, PSTN, Google Voice and IPTEL are fine.  Cross Asterisk Server resources usage like using counterparts' SIP gateway to initiate call is also good as before.


Thanks and upgraded again.


回復 70# ckleea

    What is the requirement to integrate iaxmodem and avanfax into the system?

    Appreciate if step-by-step installation can be shared with us.




CDR in the latest build does not have proper record.  It ALWAYS dispose the answer status as "NO ANSWER" even it was really answered.  Also, the talk time begin and end were not counted, hence Billing time was ZERO.

However, in CLI, the call clearly shown ANSWERED.

Anyone encounters the same problem with the lastest Asterisk 1.8.3 ?


Asterisk is released on March 17, 2011



Asterisk 1.8.4 has been released.

I'm on my way in compilation.


本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-5-15 17:27 編輯

Anybody can update to Asterisk 1.84 successfully?? I failed.  Googling and find that these problem has been there in 1.8.4rc1, rc2, rc3. Don't know whether it is really fixed or not.

Before update, I stop the current process of Asterisk.  After update and when entering to CLI as usual by typing

> asterisk -grv

I got Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?).


> asterisk -cvvv to see whether it can give me some hints


> ps -A | grep asterisk and ps aux | grep asterisk to kill pid and retry to reboot but still no luck.



回復 86# ckleea

Not today but will try using with your suggested method later.  In my last 10 or 20 + updates, I followed the same procedure without problem.  Hope the suspect and culprit is chan_datacard.so as you said because this was the major feature that I added since late update.


本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-5-17 15:44 編輯

回復 84# bubblestar

[Problem Solved]

After one more trial (in fact, I had tried to install 7-8 times totally in these 2 days), I can manage to update my Asterisk from version to 1.8.4 finally.

The culprit that causes the problem in entering CLI after update before, as ckleea c-hing said, is "datacard".  I suggest those who plays with or has installed chan_datacard to disable the following configuration file before update to Asterisk 1.8.4.  Otherwise, you will encounter entering issue into CLI.

Disable datacard.conf under extensions.conf is quite enough.  We don't need to disable datacard_extensions.conf and chan_datacard.so respectively.  For more comprehesive and safety sake, I disable all the 3 of them.

Then update Asterisk 1.8.4 as usual and the problem to access CLI will be resolved automatically.  After that, I tried to re-enable those 3 files but unfortunately, the problem comes back again.  Apparently, there is some establishment conflict between datacard and the latest Asterisk 1.8.4.  Only "Segmentation Fault" displays on the screen.  Hope the next version will fix the problem.  

It is clear that , for the time being, the features of SMS and Telephone call over 3G USB stick via Asterisk has to be suspended.  So frustrating and disappointing hit to me.

Would ckleea c-hing, if have time, please tell us whether your new chan_dongle can get along with Asterisk 1.8.4.  

Many thanks


本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-5-17 16:29 編輯

回復 89# ckleea

Great minds think alike.  

Your suggestion also just comes to my mind that I should re-compile chan_datacard.  The idea is originated from DAHDI.  I recall that whenever there are any new revisions in CentOS or Kernel updates, I have to re-compile dahdi once again or it cannot be recognized.  Will try it tonight after making backup.

