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Voxalot - Announcement for Discontinued Service

Dear Voxalot User,

We are sorry to inform you that due to the rising cost of operations, we
have been forced to discontinue the Voxalot VoIP service.  This change
will be effective from December 31st, 2011.

If you have renewed your subscription since September 1st 2011 and would
like a refund, please contact payments@voxalot.com.  Unfortunately,
payments for subscriptions older than this are unable to be refunded.
Please be aware that a refund will reverse your payment and cause your
account to be downgraded to a Basic account.

We thank you for your support for Voxalot, and are sorry for any
inconvenience that this announcement will cause, and wish you the best in
the future.

Voxalot Support
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