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作者: 角色 時間: 2015-6-5 21:39
本帖最後由 角色 於 2015-6-7 01:09 編輯
The installation procedures of Debian 8 and the pre-compilation work for Asterisk 13 are shown below:
1. Installation of Debian 8
I believe that you would not have any problems in this step since it is general and common as you can find many information on the web. The most important is to install minimal configuration (plain configuratin)
The above command gets the most current version of Asterisk 13. Using the following command, you will see the actual version number that you got.
8. tar –xzvf asterisk-13-current.tar.gz
9. cd asterisk-13.4.0/
Now at the moment of this writing, the current Asterisk 13 version is 13.4.0. You may rename the asterisk-13-current.tar.gz to asterisk-13.4.0.tar.gz for future use.
10. ./contrib/scripts/install_prereq install
11. ./bootstrap.sh
12. ./configure
If the configuration is successful, you will see the following information.
The above command make the system will be automatically run /usr/sbin/asterisk after reboot. Now you need to run "/usr/sbin/asterisk" program manually.
17. /usr/sbin/asterisk
18. /usr/sbin/asterisk -rvvv
If you are able to see the following figure, it means that the installation Asterisk 13 is successful.
1、你学会怎样编辑sip.conf, extensions.conf
2、Asterisk Server 给出三个SIP parameters (server IP/hostname, username and password)
3、怎样使用Asterisk CLI简单指令(sip show peers,dialplan show,sip reload)
4、怎样建立echo test server和怎样使用。
Workshop 2:Installation of two extensions such that
1. Both call each other using the other's telephone extension number.
2. Both can carry out the echo test offered by the Asterisk server in Workshop 1.
; Create an extension, 1000, for evaulating echo latency.
exten => 1000,1,Playback(demo-echotest) ; Let them know what's going on
exten => 1000,2,Echo ; Do the echo test
exten => 1000,3,Playback(demo-echodone) ; Let them know it's over
如果WAN是用fixed IP address,那么我们可以fixed IP address,不然我们就要用DDNS的hostname。那么三个parameters为:
1、hostname:sip.telecom-cafe.com (这个hostname,能在DNS查到它的WAN口IP地址)
2、extension name:3104
当外面(公网)的SIP packet来到router的WAN口,那么我们要把数据包转到Asterisk server (。标准的SIP port是5060,但是我的network系统后也用其他Asterisk server,我们可以改用其他port number去代替,如用44123,你可以选用其他的port number。
Workshop 5: Conference call using ConfBridge application
The purpose of this conference is to allow extension users can go to the voip conference room. The example shown in this workshop is very primitive and easy to use. You only need to add a line to the extensions.con
;other lines are the same as other workshops
exten => 4000,1,ConfBridge(101); join room 101
How to enter the room 101? You just only type 4000.作者: 角色 時間: 2015-6-6 15:45
本帖最後由 角色 於 2015-6-24 02:45 編輯
Workshop 6: Setup a user SIP account on OBi110
The information that you need is
1. Server SIP IP/hostname =
2. Server SIP port number = 44123 (default is 5060)
3. SIP account name = 3102
4. Password for the above SIP account name = 3102 (for simplicity)
Important notice: After changing the parameters of OBi110, you need to press "Submit" button followed by "Reboot" the device.
Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A -> SIP -> SIP ...
Workshop 7: Connecting PSTN/PABX Trunk to LINE of OBi110 Part I: Outbound Call via PSTN Trunk
Before going to the actual settings of OBi110 and Asterisk box, we have to discuss about the connections to the OBi110 to the PSTN world as shown in Figure 1.
For simplicity, only the Hong Kong is installed with OBi110 devices. However the method described below is also applicable to other sites such as Macao and Zhuhai as well. In Figure 1, it shows two configuration for the two OBi110 devices, namely OBiA and OBiB.
OBiA Connection: LINE port connected to a PSTN system
OBiB Connection: LINE port connected to an analogue PABX system
Configuration on OBiA:
LINE port is connected to a PSTN system.
INTERNET port is connected to the LAN of Router 2.
PHONE port is connected to an analogue telephone.
SP1 is configured to EXT. 2102
SP2 is configured to EXT. 1901 (forms a gateway for Asterisk server to other resources **1, **2, **8, **9 of OBiA)
Objective 1: In Hong Kong Office, someone picks up EXT. 3101 telephone,
1a. press <2102#>, the EXT. 2102 telephone will ring.
1b. press <00852> + <8-digit telephone number> to make phone calls to HK PSTN
The above string plays a very important role to inbound call from the Asterisk server to the Obi device of Extension 1901.
**1: sp1
**2: sp2 (not specified since it is 1901 itself)
**8: li (LINE Port, it is connected HK PSTN system)
**9: pp (OBiTalk)
**0: aa (Auto Attendent)
Using a mobile phone with soft SIP client, enter <00852> + <8-digit number>. Based on the dialplan, the Asterisk send the 8-digit number to the extension 1901, which is used by the HK OBi110. The inbound calls are handled by the entry of X_InboundCallRoute.
With suitable arrangement your telephone number starting from the digit "2" can be easily ported to HKBN 2b App. The procedure of settings up HKBN 2b App are
Let us assume the followings:
HKBN 2b App number = 31234567
Password = pass
Step 1: Adding the following lines to your sip.con
If your voice quality is not very good due to the bandwidth available for VoIP, then you may consider to install G729 on your Asterisk box. You can use the following link to install the G729 for your system for the purpose of codec evaluation.
Celeron is Pentium3/Pentium4/Core with smaller cache.
How to check whether your system is 32-bit or 64-bit of your Debian system?
Since my Debian system is a 32-bit OS sys, I went to the link [1] and under ast13 directory, I obtained the file "codec_g729-ast130-gcc4-glibc-pentium4.so". I renamed it to codec_g729.so. I used the command "scp codec_g729.so root@". After the remote copy operation completed, I ssh to the remote site using the command "ssh root@". It asked me to enter the password. I went to the directory /usr/lib/asterisk/modoules and chmod 755 codec_g729.so. Restarted the asterisk and issued the command "core show translation recalc 10", I got the following figure
There is no difficulty for those items, except the installation of G729. I failed to make connection by scp. But finally, I find a tool "pscp.exe" that can copy the file from PC to Debian. Attached the video for your reference.
Now you are able to compile your own Asterisk 13 on Debian 8.1. You are able to do a lot of things but there are still many things that you have to learn. For instance,
1) how to integrate your Obi110 into your Asterisk system?
2) how to group your outbound trunks into a single out-going dial plan?
3) how to register the public voip SIP account?
4) how to handle incoming phone calls?作者: 角色 時間: 2015-6-24 02:55
本帖最後由 角色 於 2015-6-24 14:05 編輯
Workshop 6 has already completed. The next Workshop 7 is the first workshop which lets you connect a trunk to external PSTN service via the Asterisk box. It allows both the outbound/inbound services from/to selected users.作者: 角色 時間: 2015-6-25 03:09
本帖最後由 角色 於 2015-6-25 09:25 編輯
The Workshop 7 was just finished. It shows the way to configure the OBi110 such that the outbound call (PSTN, SP2) via the remote OBi110 could be realised.作者: testing 時間: 2015-6-26 01:19
Meeting Room - allow external user to call-in by 2b
- outside customer(s) is allowed to dial 2b number and connect to meeting room
- internal user dial 4000 to join the meeting room by SIP client