⒈登錄路由器,格式化JFFS,選擇Enable,點擊Format/Erase按鈕,確認可用空間大於SoftEther VPN軟件的大小。也可以加載U盤安裝,請自行搜索相關方法
Remark: Enabled USB support instead of JFFS on Tomato GUI as my router does not have enough flash and therefore does not have enough JFFS
Remark: Need to turn on SSH at Tomato GUI first.
⒊在/jffs/新建vpnserver文件夾,把Tomato SoftEther VPN的5個文件上傳到/jffs/vpnserver/目錄下
Remark: Create same directory at USB drive instead.
/jffs/vpnserver/vpnserver start
Remark : Use root to login and modify path accordingly for USB drive
23. Setup DDNS (at either Tomato or SoftEther) and NTP (at Tomato) properly before WAN connection testing.
測試SoftEther VPN Client客戶端:
Remark: After successful connection, your PC will be assigned with virtual LAN IP address e.g. 192.168.30.x .. Default gateway redirection can also be verified via whereismyip.com etc.
Comment :
1) Credit goes to the original developer.. (Not me!)
2) This setup has one advantage that the DDNS service can use the list provided by Tomato : e.g. dyndns, no-ip instead of SoftEther作者: tomleehk 時間: 2014-10-30 23:31
本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-11-18 23:27 編輯
Succesfully installed and set up SoftEther on LINKSYS WRT54GS v3 Router running on Tomato.
Hardware : LINKSYS WRT54GS : 8M Flash (4M for Tomato, 4M JFFS for SoftEther)
O/S : tomato-K26-1.28.9054MIPSR1-beta-Std.trx <== downloaded at www.tomatousb.org
tomato-K26-1.28.7821MIPSR1-Toastman-ND-MiniIPv6 (2).trx <== downloaded at http://toastmanfirmware.yolasite.com/
tomato-K26-1.28.RT-MIPSR1-123-Mini.trx <== downloaded at http://tomato.groov.pl/
Supplementary Note :
1) Better use the K26 MIPSR1 Tomato firmwares at tomatousb.org or its mod than the Tomato firmwares at Polarcloud.com. It appeared that the Tomato firmwares at Polarcloud have some compatibility problem when running SoftEther.
2) It appeared that the minimum SoftEther files needed are simply 2 files : hamcore.se2 and vpnserver for VPN server. Therefore, the minimum hardware requirement I believe is 4MB Flash + USB or 8 MB Flash for the router.
3) If the vpnsever is found unable to launch properly at putty, changing the access right for both files hamcore.se2 and vpnserver to 777 may help.
4) Certain delay (say 5 minute ) was found for the SoftEther configuration to be saved properly to softether\vpn_server.config. Wait and verify the corresponding file (text file) with editor or time-stamp eye-ball checking and ensure the configuration change is properly saved. DO NOT reboot the router immediately after SoftEther configuration change, or else your configuration change done will disappear after reboot. It appeared that the saving/update is run on schedule basis (e.g. every 5 minutes).
5) To improve stability, better disable all logs on router O/S and SoftEther after completion of testing.
6) Set maximum VPN sessions to 2 to 3 may also help improving the performance.
7) Additional configuration on local bridging mode: https://www.softether.org/4-docs ... l/3.6_Local_Bridges
* Must disable SecureNAT when using local bridging
* Configure local bridging to vlan1 so that the VPN client can retrieve IP address from DHCP server connecting to WAN port
* At the file vpn_server.config, open the [LocalBridgeList] node in the VPN Server Configuration file after defining the local bridge, then open the local bridge definition entry designating the intended network adapter defined by the name [LocalBridge0] or so on, and overwrite [NoPromiscuousMode] to true. Otherwise, VPN client CANNOT retrieve IP address via WAN port during VPN connection since the WAN port device does not support Promiscuous Mode.