•300Mbps wireless speed 就算減半, 理論上也有 150Mbps 啩
•SoftAP Mode – Turn a wired internet connection to a PC or Laptop into a Wi-Fi hotspot 在 RasperryPI 未試此功能,但可塑性高
•Easily setup a secure wireless connection with one-touch WPS button 未試,但在Windows 使用時,也會增添方便。
Unfortunately, I don't have self-powered USB hub. There is not plug-in dongle. Asterisk seems to be reloaded every few minutes.
Is it possible to unload the dongle module just like
module unload chan_dongle.so
As dongle.conf, dongle_extensions.conf and extensions-dongle.conf are configured, it might be low-priority in the wish-list.作者: ckleea 時間: 2013-12-20 05:51
Yes: if you have mobile sim-card & voice-enabled 3G dongle.
No: if you want to connect to landline. In this case, you need other ATA like Linksys SPA/Obi110 to bridge landline and asterisk.作者: ckleea 時間: 2013-12-20 22:15
Asterisk gui login, click "System Info" first and "Call Features" afterwards, the RPi runs into the endless loop, "Waiting for XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"(RPi's IP).
The asterisk -rvvvc shows:
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dongle_extensions.conf': Found
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions_macro.conf': Found