I just got a hkbn 2b app accounts 3 days ago
and i use zoiper 2.41 free version
user id : [phoneno]hk
passwd: [password from hkbn]
proxy: ( a must, other won;t work)
and I am able to register
and dial in and out (behind a tomato router without any nat setup)
then I want to try as Ching to use my asterisk 1.4.x (elastix 1.6)
i add the entries to sip_general_custom.conf and extension_custom.conf
and it won't work
and even I switch back to zoiper, it continue to fail
ok, i find out I must wipe out the add entries in asterisk and reload
and ensure show sips no show as peers
and I reset hkbn account and re-login (as advised)
zoiper can register again
but never dial in dial out
error : "bearer capability not auth"
after google it hint to be codec, so I attach what codec used
any hints
I want to install to the hardware cisco sip phone 7912 or at least software phone(s) in China back office
if this test account is ok and quality of voice is good=> i will order 10-16 hkbn 2b no at HK$8/month
so it is very very important that I can handle hkbn 2b account
of course it is best to setup the trunk in elastix/asterisk to forward call to specified extension in the back office
By the way we have just built a java application to retrieve the callerid from asterisk and use php to query that callerid
from our inhouse crm and locating the client calling in!
however, after I purge in an extra tdm410p (4 fxo) card into elastix 1.6 and press detect hardware
all collapse!!!!!
I look and look again and nothing wrong in the elastix gui, the config files must be contaminated
i then know it is better to learn Asterisk Config file rather thro GUI作者: 角色 時間: 2013-9-30 20:16
If I understood correctly, you were able to use your HKBN 2b accounts on your Elastix system before the deployment of TDM410P FXO card. Now your system was totally collapsed. Are you able to resume the telephony system using Elastix by removing the FXO card?作者: tsm 時間: 2013-10-5 17:52
Sorry for later reply
Yes, I can use hkbn 2b accounts under zoiper properly (dail -in and out)
but after I edit manually the sip_general_custom.conf and extension_custom.conf
and apply changes, hkbn 2b can no longer work even I restore the original config
and reset the hkbn2b account
any experience before!
I worried the elastix will still have memory (cache) to register the hkbn
causing everything to fail
any solution!!作者: tsm 時間: 2013-10-5 18:01
finally i work again
after I apply stun
so I have to study what is stun server
what will be your recommend reading作者: woolungtea 時間: 2015-8-26 12:31
本帖最後由 woolungtea 於 2015-8-28 14:00 編輯
剛申請了一個 HKD $28 的 2b , 我在zopier 遇上同樣的error ,
12:03:40 Line 1 : failed (bearercapability notauth)