在论坛里有三位CHings能在Asterisk注册,打出打入CM Phone,我估计可能你们的Asterisk本身不是default安装(就是加上很多的packages),而我的Asterisk including Asterisk-GUI都是standard的,有很多packages我都没有安装,所以大家的Asterisk servers是有分别,具体在哪里呢?
sometimes if you are running dual wan, you need to enable both inbound and outbound rules so that the same IP is used for the connection. If not, you may encounter, outbound for VOIP registration is from IP1 but on return from the VOIP server, it enters via IP2.
This is the trick I use before to deal with 2B registration作者: 角色 時間: 2012-10-4 19:40