在早期的ATA里,都是一般的数字上的更改,加插等函数,而Sipura SPA3000的出现,打法就更加多,但是那个时候依然采用Dialplan这个术语,后来的Linksys SPA3102也是,到了OBi110开始,因为打发变化更加大,所以Dialplan这个术语不再采用,而出现两个新名词,就是CallRoute and DigitMap。
Switch InboundCallRoute
case "(obitalk_no_1|obitalk_no_2)>(xx.)": // if caller=obitalk_no_1 or
// obitalk_no_2
// and use speed-dial
case "(obitalk_no_1|obitalk_no_2)": // if caller=obitalk_no_1 or obitalk_no_2
default: // otherwise (=default)
}作者: 角色 時間: 2011-4-11 22:07
角色作者: bubblestar 時間: 2011-4-11 22:41
For me, I can still understand what the expression means at this stage but don't know (worrying too difficult) what is the next. For those new VoIP buddy, I think a more real-life with simplified and illustrated example is easier to learn.作者: 角色 時間: 2011-4-11 23:25
For those dialplan newbies,they have to read the manual again and again. Also use their OBi110 as a tool to learn the CallRoute function.
YH作者: yiucsw 時間: 2011-4-20 20:06
want to ask a simple question.
I am in Hong Kong and want to dial the GZ obi110 phone phone.
so i try 6***8 (6* is the speed dial for GZ obi110) and **8 is the phone port, but seems does not work. sure i can dial the obi # but it is very hard to remember.
the obi110 default primary line is PSTN.
Any suggestion?作者: bubblestar 時間: 2011-4-20 20:50
本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-4-20 20:51 編輯
Try to dial 6* GZ PSTN number instead of 6***8 GZ PSTN number.
Supposed all your OBi110 in Hong Kong and GZ's primary line are of PSTN.作者: 角色 時間: 2011-4-20 20:54
The correct dialling method is
6*xxxx xxxx Guangzhou landline
6*138 xxxx xxxx Guangzhou mobile
6*010 xxxxx xxxx Beijing landline
6*0137 xxxx xxxx other than Guangzhou mobile
YH作者: 亞星 時間: 2011-4-21 20:07
本帖最後由 亞星 於 2011-4-21 20:19 編輯
如果要在 PSTN Line 打出的電話前面加 133, dialplan 應該加在 Line Port 的 DigitMap 嗎? DigitMap 的寫法是如何呢?
(<133>xxxxxxxx|!999) 正確嗎?作者: 角色 時間: 2011-4-21 21:32
Is it possible dial plan setup in "Phone OutboundCallRoute", when dial any 8 digit(HK phone number), it will route my call as this path: Obi-US -> Obi-HK -> Pstn-HK
I am able to do one stage dialing. ie. 1*[any hongkong number]
where 1 is speed dial, **9[Obi-HK number]作者: 角色 時間: 2011-5-21 19:04
I believe that you want the HK PSTN fixed line to be VIRTUALLY connected to your OBi device in the US such that your can treat the phone connected to the US OBi device as the phone located in Hong Kong.
I believe that it can be achieved.
You will be advised later when the script is ready for evaluation.
YH作者: lookforyou 時間: 2011-6-21 19:21
这东西看起来好专业啊作者: 角色 時間: 2011-6-21 21:13
如果你有OBi在手,再加上手册和OBihai forum,很多问题都能解决。
角色作者: yiucsw 時間: 2011-6-21 23:51
想问在 Phone Port outbound 加 Fix number Dial out 是如何设计?
是 <:**8XXXXXXXX> ? XXXXXXX is my mobile number?
是一拿起电话直拨的功能。作者: leitany 時間: 2011-6-22 04:14
应该就是这样的,要放在 Phone Port 的 Digitmap 中
更严谨的写法,可以用 <S0:**8 123456789>
如果想设置成可以拨其他号码,就用 warm line 的语法,如 <S4:**8 123456789>
提机后,4秒钟内不拨号,就会自动拨打号码 123456789
Want to know if the following can be achieved.
When GZ Line port are ringing, ring the phone in HK and Macau, the ring is pass thru OBI in HK and Macau. ? is it possible?