OBi Echo Test server in US
OBi(HK) <---> OBi Echo Test server: Result is Perfert
OBi (China) <---> OBi Echo Test server: Result is very bad
Asterisk Echo Test server in HK
Linksys SPA941(China) <---> Asterisk (HK), the echo test in HK Asterisk server is perfect!
OBi110 SP1 (China) <---> Asterisk (HK), okay for the first 5 seconds but very poor for the rest of time
Voice communication between parties
OBi(HK) <---> OBi (HK) Perfect
OBi(HK) <---> OBi (US) Perfect
OBi(China) <---> OBi (HK) Okay for the frst 5 secons but very choppy for the rest of time
OBi(China) <---> OBi (LA, HK) Okay for the frst 5 secons but very choppy for the rest of time
Linksys SPA941(China) <---> Asterisk (HK) <---> OBi110 (HK) <--> OBiAPP in US, the voice quality of perfect!!
The outgoing voice packets from OBi110 in China are delayed due to PACKET EXAMINATION in China. The callee (outside China) has difficuty in understanding what the caller's (from China) talking about.
角色作者: ckleea 時間: 2011-4-2 10:08
是否定 screen out? No audio作者: helenmak 時間: 2011-4-2 10:18