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本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2013-12-22 00:59 編輯
我的 DD-WRT VPN Router 用來破網翻墻已經很多年,全用 IPv4.
如果突然間我的 ISP 說要轉 IPv6, 我應該怎樣做呢 ??
我就有基本的網絡知識, 那些 Lu-Lu 怎樣搞呢 ??

請問 Qnewbie C-Hing,  這個 IPv4  ...
homeinns 發表於 2013-12-21 20:18

According to DD-WRT WIKI, only the Mega version or Big version DD-WRT supports OpenVPN and IPv6 at the same time.

Therefore, to get it prepared, it means you can source a DD-WRT supported router with 8MB RAM (or more), if you want OpenVPN and IPv6 to run concurrently on the DD-WRT router.

Below is the DD-WRT's IPv6 tutorial.
It needs some time to digest and try it out.

Hope I can spare some time to try it out this Christmas.

而且我們目前還在使用的 DDNS 是否 Compatible with IPv6 呢 ??
設定跟以前 IPv4 年代有沒有分別呢 ??

請問 Qnewbie C-Hing,  這個 IPv4  ...
homeinns 發表於 2013-12-21 20:18

IPv6 progress for DynDNS
At the Dyndns's "Modify Hostname" screen, it already allows to update your URL with IPv6 address(optional).

究竟為爲什麽香港和中國的 ISP 還是使用 IPv4
究竟現在有多少 % 的用戶已經使用 IPv6 呢 ?? 相互溝通有沒有問題呢 ??
(就是是否無縫呢 ?)
homeinns 發表於 2013-12-21 20:18

IPv6 for Hong Kong.

I believe it still takes some time to transit since
1) A significant number of working routers/equipment in Hong Kong can only support IPv4
2) In the mean time many ISPs are still in the stage of giving 6-to-4 mapping only


Remember the Millennium bug? I think it is more serious than ip address transition.

Most ISPs have redundant system, which could ease the transition a lot. However, many ISPs just follow the rule: don't break it as long as it works.

From wiki:
As of September 2013, about 4% of domain names and 16.2% of the networks on the internet have IPv6 protocol support.


I consider it as seamless(無縫).
RB750G, RB2011UAS-2HnD
IP01, A580IP, AT-610


第三方 firmware 要set ipv6 的話 openwrt/tomato 會好set得多 (可以用網頁設定 ipv6 wan )

isp 無分配 ipv6 的話, router 要用ipv6可以通過 6to4, 6in4 (最有名的he.net), AICCU (sixxs), gogo6 TSP .. (Teredo, ISATAP 技術限制較大, 最好唔好係router使用..)

isp 有分配 ipv6 的話, 型式上有6rd, DHCPv6, static IP..雖然大陸+香港都無家用上網有ipv6

取得 ipv6 /64 subnet 後, Router 上用 radvd 發出 ra 通告,
成個LAN的裝置就可以通過SLAAC setup 自己的 IPv6 address/Gateway/DNS,
想要管理device address 可以另set 一個DHCPv6 server 做分配IP.
另外, 也可以用 openvpn 把 ipv6 address 分配給 vpn client


今天終於到我遭殃了! 宿舍兩條光纖+1條ADSL全被派了100開頭的IP!
Welcome to my TaoBao shop: http://mandymak520.taobao.com/




回復 20# 角色

是的, 不過投訴都好多客服唔識, 暫時解決了1條光纖+1條ADSL.
Welcome to my TaoBao shop: http://mandymak520.taobao.com/




回復 22# 角色

不過好彩我宿舍有機24小時開住,而且裝了teamviewer作為雙保險,佢尋日幫我整我都可以remote check到。不過最令我氣憤的是那1條光纖+1條ADSL是商業寬頻來的,佢地居然都敢下手!
Welcome to my TaoBao shop: http://mandymak520.taobao.com/


不会吧!商业都会这样搞!!!是否他们认为你是LuLu,只是上上网而已!所以你给你一个private IP,然后public IP就安排其他“悉做”的客户呢?


回復 24# 角色

講真我公司對佢地黎講雖然唔算大客, 都係1個唔細既客戶! 佢應該係留番D IP俾好似我公司咁有條10M固定IP既光纖既客戶, 每月盛惠人民幣6000元.
Welcome to my TaoBao shop: http://mandymak520.taobao.com/

