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本帖最後由 ckleea 於 2011-10-19 08:51 編輯

My asterisk setup file for sharing

asterisk.setup.tar (10 KB)


本帖最後由 ckleea 於 2011-10-19 14:55 編輯

The email delivered function has been implemented.
Weekly backup functions added
Shared folder added to allow VM communicate with Cenots 5.7 server


Some points of notice in the configuration

While installing this VM asterisk, I start to learn in more details on how to share resources.

In my primary server, I have installed IAXmodem for fax in and out functions. Within the lan environment,I expect that by putting in peers information into the iax.conf and dialplan in the extensions.conf, fax functionality should work. However, I notice this is not working at the beginning when I type iax2 show peers showing no connection. The reason is that my firewall rules in the primary server is so strict that it won't allow connection from my lan users to connect to the udp port of IAXmodem. Once I change the iptables rule, it connects.


Share resources between linux host and linux within linux client are succeeded

Need to reinstall vmware tools again in the vmware and a reboot will allow the shared directories to come up. Once it is available under /mnt/hgfs; my automatic backup scripts can run properly and regular backup the whole system back to my main sever. One may choose to further process the backup tgz files for DVD archives, etc.

I can also now automatically load and run the VM machine after my linux server is up.

I put a line in my /etc/init.d/rc.local as
/path/vmplayer /path/VM/vm???.vmx

However, need to work out a script to shut down the VM first when I issue any reboot or shutdown command to the linux host

