Besides the official hostname adddress you can use your own hostname, for example, which provides many sub-domains you can choose.
1. Goto [System]->[Scripts]
2. Press <+>, it gives a dialog box
3. Put the following code to script window box
4. Name the script, e.g. changeip
5. Click <Run Script> to check whether the code works as expected
If omitted your detected IP address will be used. Please be advised that if you are behind a proxy and we detect your IP address we might be using the proxy server address, not your real address.
1、Internet 有两种IP address,第一种是Public IP address,第二种是Public reserved IP address(在互联网是没有routing的,是自己处理)。
2、ChangeIP的DNS不接纳local private address。
3、确认第一楼的信息是可以update ether1(WAN) IP address (如果IP address是public IP address or public reserved IP address)
今天才明白怎么会事,就是以前中国移动给你光猫,后面modem你自己处理。那个时候同样的changeip DDNS script都可以工作,是否有中国移动给你Reserved IP address,所以那个时候changeip ddns让你update他们的server。
现在呢?移动给你一个盒子,但是拨号过去只得local private address,那么我是changeip ddns script to update WAN address,由于是local private address,ChangeIP不给你update他们的server。所以的Changeip是无法做到的。除非他们修改他们的update限制,就是允许local private IP address。