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本帖最後由 角色 於 2015-6-6 16:36 編輯

Installation of ssh server and client

1. Installation of the following two packages

apt-get install opessh-server openssh-client

2. Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Change the property of "PermitRootLogin" to "PermitRootLogin yes"

3. Restart ssh service

service sshd restart

you are able to remote login the Asterisk service if you know the IP address of the server. If you do not know you can use the command "ifconfig"



本帖最後由 角色 於 2015-6-6 17:34 編輯

Network Configuration of Debian system

因为之前的QNAP TS-453 Pro安装的Debian时,很多settings都跟你network的DHCP和DNS信息,而VM里安装的Debian的Network Settings是1) IP=DHCP client取来,Gateway也是从DHCP Server给出,而DNS也从之前DNS Server。因为Asterisk Server一般都不用dynamic IP,而用static IP,所以我们要把Debian的network信息要进行调整一下。

1、Log in the Debian system and edit the file "/etc/network/interfaces" and modify from
  1. allow-hotplug eth0
  2. iface eth0 inet dhcp
  1. # The primary network interface
  2. allow-hotplug ethic
  3. iface eth0 inet static
  4.         address
  5.         netmask
  6.         gateway
After modification, you have to restart the network information to make it effective using the command
  1. /etc/init.d/networking restart


Setting up the date and time of the system

1. Installation of the ntpdate package

apt-get install ntpdate

2. update the time

ntpdate pool.ntp.org

https://www.debian-administratio ... rent_automatically.


本帖最後由 角色 於 2015-6-7 19:32 編輯

Installation of G729 code

If your voice quality is not very good due to the bandwidth available for VoIP, then you may consider to install G729 on your Asterisk box. You can use the following link to install the G729 for your system for the purpose of codec evaluation.

Celeron is Pentium3/Pentium4/Core with smaller cache.

How to check whether your system is 32-bit or 64-bit of your Debian system?

uname -m
x86_64 ==> 64-bit kernel
i686   ==> 32-bit kernel

Since my Debian system is a 32-bit OS sys,  I went to the link [1] and under ast13 directory, I obtained the file "codec_g729-ast130-gcc4-glibc-pentium4.so". I renamed it to codec_g729.so. I used the command "scp codec_g729.so root@". After the remote copy operation completed, I ssh to the remote site using the command "ssh root@". It asked me to enter the password. I went to the directory /usr/lib/asterisk/modoules and chmod 755 codec_g729.so. Restarted the asterisk and issued the command "core show translation recalc 10", I got the following figure

Screen Shot 2015-06-07 at 7.08.31 PM.png

[1] http://asterisk.hosting.lv


本帖最後由 hn4498 於 2015-6-11 18:12 編輯

多謝角色兄無私貢獻,清楚列明步驟,對初學者 (我) 來講,好易上手。

依家跟住做 1-19項,大概唔駛一粒鍾。條片 CUT 左D等待時間,剩低16分鍾,希望幫到手。其他部分,日後再補上。
https://www.dropbox.com/s/42dgar ... sion%201-1.mp4?dl=0

Hardware: QNAP TS453 Pro, 8G RAM
Debian download: http://cdimage.debian.org/debian ... .0-i386-netinst.iso


你需要留意 debian 8 現在是用 systemctl 去處理 各種 service 起動,舊有的 service, chkconfig 和 update-rc.d command 都可以用,但有時要找新的 起動 script 去配合。


回復 35# hn4498



本帖最後由 hn4498 於 2015-6-11 18:24 編輯

11-6-2015 17-59-59.jpg

    There is no difficulty for those items, except the installation of G729. I failed to make connection by scp. But finally, I find a tool "pscp.exe" that can copy the file from PC to Debian. Attached the video for your reference.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/brzg4b ... dec%20G729.mp4?dl=0

pscp.exe download site: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/pscp.exe


回復 38# hn4498

Now you are able to compile your own Asterisk 13 on Debian 8.1. You are able to do a lot of things but there are still many things that you have to learn. For instance,

1) how to integrate your Obi110 into your Asterisk system?
2) how to group your outbound trunks into a single out-going dial plan?
3) how to register the public voip SIP account?
4) how to handle incoming phone calls?


本帖最後由 角色 於 2015-6-24 14:05 編輯

Workshop 6 has already completed. The next Workshop 7 is the first workshop which lets you connect a trunk to external PSTN service via the Asterisk box. It allows both the outbound/inbound services from/to selected users.


本帖最後由 角色 於 2015-6-25 09:25 編輯

The Workshop 7 was just finished. It shows the way to configure the OBi110 such that the outbound call (PSTN, SP2) via the remote OBi110 could be realised.



現時小弟也是這樣的架構,現有個問題想請教 角色兄

我在香港寫字樓放了一台迅時的網關,接了8條街線用作“落地”使用,然後每條線在asterisk 上以Trunk註冊供地區的分機使用,撥打香港本地手提及固話是完全沒有問題的,8條線路是由網關隨機選擇“撥出”的,也即那條路空閒就用那條街線撥出,撥入時該8條線分為4組,每組各指向一個地區的分機,撥入也是正常的。

現時問題來了,因為網關會隨機選擇空閒的線路撥出,導致電話對方的來電顯示會是8條線的任一個電話號碼,這樣對方在回撥電話的時候會撥到非“指定”的地區分機,導致客戶有很大的誤會。 簡單地講就是 “分機1” 用了 LINE8 線打電話給客戶A , 客戶A回撥電話時就會打入LINE8,但LINE8撥入時會指定到“分機5”,導致客戶A找不到需要找的人。

請問是否有辦法在asterisk設定 分機1 撥出時只能使用指定的 Trunk ? 其他分機也是如此

GV: 910-377-1488
Tocall: 20810707


本帖最後由 hn4498 於 2015-6-26 13:17 編輯

Workshop 7: I change a little bit to allow the dialing string "+853"

EXTEN:5 is counting for 5 digit, I think

26-6-2015 11-44-06.png

;00853 Trunk via 1911 OBi110's LINE port
exten => _00853.,1,Dial(SIP/**8${EXTEN:5}@1911,,)
exten => _00853.,n,Hangup()
exten => 1911,1,Dial(SIP/1911,,r)

;00853 Trunk via 1911 OBi110's LINE port
exten => _+853.,1,Dial(SIP/**8${EXTEN:4}@1911,,)
exten => _+853.,n,Hangup()
exten => 1911,1,Dial(SIP/1911,,r)


回復 43# hn4498

Very good! Now you also contributed to the Forum for the dialing plan with "+" sign for international calls.


回復 42# testing

你这个问题,主要是你的FXO机不能指定某条线打出。如果用独立的FXO device就可以。

