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回復 44# 角色

There are four config files need to set.

1. ststrunk.cfg
- need to check the port number and config files name for each trunk

2. siptoskypeauth.props
no change

3. skypetosipauth.props.
-define your incoming skype call to which asterisk extensions

4. skyeoutdialingrules.props.
-define your speed dial code


Please show me the file names for the one channel version



Please follow also the the above link to install the trunk.


Both Skype and SipToSis are running.  However, I still have registration problem between Asterisk and SipToSis.  Typing "sip show peers" in CLI return "unreachable" remarks.  

My sip.conf and siptosis.cfg are as below:

sip.conf in Asterisk
  1. [skypetestuser]
  2. username=skypetestuser  ; use same as in brackets above
  3. type=friend
  4. context=default
  5. secret=siptosisregpassword
  6. host=192.168.888.888
  7. port=5070
  8. nat=yes
  9. dtmfmode=auto
  10. canreinvite=no
  11. insecure = port,invite
  12. qualify=yes
  13. defaultip=192.168.888.888
  14. incominglimit=1
  15. outgoinglimit=1
  16. call-limit=1
  17. busylevel=1
siptosis.cfg in /opt/siptosis
  1. #Sample Asterisk registration example - comment out NO registration info above first and uncomment the following.
  2. host_port=5070
  3. contact_url=sip:skypetestuser@192.168.888.888:5070
  4. from_url="skypetestuser" <sip:skypetestuser@192.168.888.888:5060>
  5. username=skypetestuser
  6. realm=asterisk
  7. passwd=siptosisregpassword
  8. expires=3600
  9. do_register=yes
  10. minregrenewtime=120
  11. regfailretrytime=15


回復 49# bubblestar

    What is the name of your second file? It is not the same as mine. My stsTrunk_01.cfg is much longer


回復 50# ckleea

    I only have one siptosis.cfg file in the siptosis folder.  There is no stsTrunk_01.cfg as mentioned in the directory.  I think these other cfg files are generated only when Trunk Builder is used.


回復 51# bubblestar
this is the nomenclature I used for multiple trunks. Please send me the files for a look


回復 52# ckleea

    Send to you via email.  Hope you can see the discrepancies.  Thanks


回復 53# bubblestar

See my version

Please note that I use _0X to denote individual trunk
  1. #stsTrunkBuilder 20091019 generated trunk file 01 created: Tue Feb 15 17:04:58 HKT 2011 1527885965
  2. logConfigFile=stsTrunk_01_log.properties
  3. runConnectorReliabilityTest=no
  4. skypeAPITrace=no
  5. configWatchInterval=0
  6. connectorWatchDogMinutes=0
  7. connectionFee=0
  8. MaxCallTimeLimitMinutes=0
  9. WarnMinutesBeforeCutoff=1
  10. OverLimitWarningFile=clips/overlimit.wav
  11. OverUsageLimitSipResponse=480
  12. dailyPstnLimitMinutes=350
  13. dailyPstnUniqueNumberLimit=48
  14. refuseNewPstnCallsWhenRemainingMinutesUnder=5
  15. MaxPstnCallTimeLimitMinutes=0
  16. loadSkypeClientCallHistory=yes
  17. tollFreeNumberPrefixes=1800,1888,1866,1877
  18. emailWhenBalanceDropsTo=-1
  19. emailHost=
  20. emailPort=25
  21. emailusername=stsTrunk_01
  22. emailPassword=
  23. emailRecipients=
  24. emailFrom=
  25. emailTest=no
  26. setSkypeOnlineStatusInterval=0
  27. skypeOnlineStatus=ONLINE
  28. callBackForceSipPrefix=*
  29. callLogPath=log/
  30. siptoskypeauthfile=SipToSkypeAuth_01.props
  31. skypetosipauthfile=SkypeToSipAuth_01.props
  32. SkypeOutDialingRulesFile=SkypeOutDialingRules_01.props
  33. SipOutDialingRulesFile=SipOutDialingRules_01.props
  34. ua_jar=ua.jar
  35. audioPriorityIncrease=0
  36. jitterLevel=2
  37. skype_connect=yes
  38. skype_audioportbase=64436
  39. enableSkypeDtmfDetector=yes
  40. SkypeDtmfDetectorHitThreshold=40
  41. SkypeDtmfDetectorSilenceThreshold=6
  42. sendSipDtmfToSkype=yes
  43. sendSkypeDtmfToSip=yes
  44. inbandFullTimeDtmfDetection=yes
  45. JoinManualSkypeOutboundCallToSip=no
  46. SkypeInboundAllChannelsBusyAction=transferto:[color=Red]your_skype_username[/color]
  47. SkypeTransferTimeoutMs=8000
  48. SkypeInboundSipDestUnavailableAction=refuse
  49. SipInboundAllChannelsBusyAction=busy
  50. skypeclientsupportsmulticalls=no
  51. concurrentcalllimit=1
  52. autoShutdownMinutes=0
  53. pintimeout=8
  54. pinretrylimit=3
  55. destinationtimeout=12
  56. destinationretrylimit=3
  57. pinFile=clips/enterPin.wav
  58. destinationFile=clips/enterDest.wav
  59. dialingFile=clips/dialing.wav
  60. invalidPinFile=clips/invalidPin.wav
  61. invalidDestFile=clips/invalidDest.wav
  62. skypePinFile=clips/enterPin.wav
  63. skypeDestinationFile=clips/enterDest.wav
  64. skypeDialingFile=clips/dialing.wav
  65. skypeInvalidPinFile=clips/invalidPin.wav
  66. skypeInvalidDestFile=clips/invalidDest.wav
  67. handleEarlyMedia=yes
  68. handleSipEarlyMedia=no
  69. sendRingToSkypeCaller=no
  70. skypeRingFile=clips/skypeRing.wav
  71. skypeRingInterval=8
  72. sendSkypeEarlyMediaOverSipSessionProgress=yes
  73. replaceFromWithSkypeId=no
  74. sendSkypeIM=no
  75. skypeimmessage=You are about to receive a Skype Voice call from [callerid] [callernumber].
  76. sendSkypeImDelay=2
  77. transport_protocols=udp
  78. stunTestInterval=30
  79. enableNatTranslate=yes
  80. enableNatTranslateVia=no
  81. host_port=5072
  82. username=stsTrunk_01
  83. passwd=your_generated_passkey
  84. do_register=no
  85. keepalive_time=0
  86. audio=yes
  87. audio_port=63204
  88. noRtpReceivedAutoHangupSeconds=30
  89. audio_codec=PCMU,PCMA,ILBC
  90. audio_frame_size=240,240,240
  91. audio_avp=-1,-1,98
  92. skype_audiooutgain=1,1,1
  93. skype_audioingain=1.5,1.5,1.5
  94. FilterParams=NONE
  95. enableSendRTPtoReceivedAddress=yes
  96. lockRtpSendAddressAfterPackets=1
  97. dtmf2833payloadtype=101
  98. enableSIPInbandDtmfDetector=no
  99. SipDtmfDetectorHitThreshold=30
  100. SipDtmfDetectorSilenceThreshold=6
  101. useViaRport=yes
  102. useViaReceived=yes
  103. sendResponseUsingOutboundProxy=no
  104. baseFailureResponse=403
  105. skypeRefusedResponse=603
  106. skypeFailedResponse=404
  107. skypeUnPlacedResponse=408
  108. skypeBusyResponse=600
  109. TcpRxBufferSize=8192
  110. TcpTxBufferSize=8192
  111. RtpRxBufferSize=8192
  112. RtpTxBufferSize=8192
  113. is_registrar=yes
  114. register_new_users=yes
  115. allowMultiContactsPerUser=no


Wow! Such a long script.  I must work hard to digest the content.  Thanks for your help in advance.


回復 55# bubblestar
大部分都是跟 default,慢慢試。


本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-10-20 23:56 編輯

SipToSis 是否已完全變成免費版呢??  因為收費版本的Download 不見了(被剷走),如果係,真是好消息。



是的,现在开始安装Skype for Linux (static)。



回復 57# bubblestar

    Somethings must be changed


Please also note

Call-Back Setup Instructions

Note: PSTN rates will be per PSTN outbound call according to the selected provider billing terms.

Single Stage Callback - no IVR or additional dialing - Scroll down for two stage metbod.

Trigger callback using a Skype DID (AKA SkypeIn,Skype Online number) or from a Specific Skype User
Edit SkypeToSipAuth.props
Add a line like this (at least two targets):
Note: only a single SIP target can be specified.

Using a SIP DID to trigger callback
Edit SipToSkypeAuth.props
Add a line like this (at least two targets):
Note: only a single SIP target can be specified.

Another way of using a SIP call to trigger callback
Edit SkypeOutDialingRules.props
Add a line like this (at least two targets):
In this example, if you dial 58@yourSTSGateway:stsPort - it will trigger a callback.
Note: only a single SIP target can be specified.

Two Stage Callback - uses IVR for dialing
Note: DTMF decoding must be on. In the case of a Skype PSTN target, DTMF decoding may not be reliable.

Trigger callback using a Skype DID (AKA SkypeIn,Skype Online number) or from a Specific Skype User
Edit SkypeToSipAuth.props
Add a line like this (specify only one target):
Once the called back target answers, the IVR will prompt for the destination.
Destination will be dialed as defined in SkypeOutDialingRules.props.
Default is to call out via Skype, to dial out using SIP instead, dial * before the destination.
Parameter callBackForceSipPrefix controls the SIP dialing prefix.
In the case of SIP dialing, destination will be dialed as defined in SipOutDialingRules.

Using a SIP DID to trigger callback
Edit SipToSkypeAuth.props
Add a line like this (specify only one target):
Once the called back target answers, the IVR will prompt for the destination.
Destination will be dialed as defined in SkypeOutDialingRules.props.

Another way of using a SIP call to trigger callback
Edit SkypeOutDialingRules.props
Add a line like this (specify only one target):
In this example, if you dial 58@yourSTSGateway:stsPort - it will trigger a callback.
Once the called back target answers, the IVR will prompt for the destination.
Destination will be dialed as defined in SkypeOutDialingRules.props.

