I mentioned in other thread that I need to do port forwarding from ports other than 5060. It only happens for SIP but not IAX.
Another comment for other users is use only those items you need. There is hardware limitation in term of processing speed and root partition in IP0x. Therefore, the more options you need, you should probably go for a real server rather than an embedded ippbx. I got the same answer from Spotel that is indeed my favorite one if I never have a linux server nor IP01. Moreover, if you are not putting your IP01 in a public IP and have reasonably protection from the router firewall (+ reasonably security control in the password), one may skip the inadyn, iptables, etc. At the end, your compiled firmware will be contained at < 8Mb that should work reasonably well.
In my case, I do and still encounter problem. i.e. not sure why the sip.conf has problem. It is indeed containing duplicate entries and once I start to clean it up, the box will fail to have the sip connection. |