Now the IP01 is working very well in UK. I just set up trunk for bidirectional communications and UK PSTN in -> IP01 -> HK asterisk -> VOIP or PSTN out ; or UK VOIP in -> IP01 -> HK asterisk -> VOIP or PSTN out; or HK PSTN or VOIP in -> HK asterisk -> IP01 -> UK PSTN out
Next is incorporate GV into IP01 and possibly other
Let see how long it will run without any crash encountered. I wish switchfin firmwar can last longer than Atcom one.
It seems that it is very difficult to implement GV on IP01. However you make use of the HK Asterisk server to make the life easier because Asterisk 1.8 can easily implement GV.
Thanks, bubblestar C-Hing. Indeed I have the files, but restore does not work at the moment. I am 6000 miles from the IP01 and internet update is a bit slow. Remote management is difficult. Anyway as 角式兄: No need to know the reason now as long as it works. It is true for me to make thing work so that chatting can be done.
I have put up one pstn channel via GUI. All other under APL. One sip and one iax. for inter-communication. Want to put up other under APL. If not ok, will try GUI.
回復 70#雯雯
基本上,我唔係咁需要,已有一個Linux asterisk server with asterisk 1.8 i.e. google voice connected, remote site IP01, SPA3000 + PAP2;
2b account + PSTN lines, 已經足夠自己和家人應用