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It is unperfect(unregistered shows in IP01's homepage) but the call thru skype works
Settings in IP01:
context = DID_siptosis
host = dynamic
username = skypetester
authuser = skypetester
fromuser = skypetester
fromdomain = asterisk
secret = XXXXXX
insecure = very
contact =
port = 5070
qualify = 2000
trunkname = siptosis
hasiax = no
registeriax = no
hassip = yes
registersip = no
trunkstyle = voip
hasexten = no
disallow = all
allow = all


It is more important to make it work.

How about in cli, registered or not ?


0向 SIP Configuration 加返個 IP 落 Extern ip 終於可以正常工作, 但如果轉左 IP 就麻煩...

SIP-NAT setting.jpg (87.96 KB)

SIP-NAT setting.jpg


Anyway, it shows that the device works and I can talk with you over the phone. gradually adjust the settings to fine tune.
Remember to back up the current setting from time to time and kept in PC in case you need to restore and make reference.


剛剛試了 VOIP to 公司既 PSTN 都無問題


回復 302# ckleea

It shows OK as I type in sip show peers. But it seems that this command was not reliable.

Anyway, as you said, better it works.

Now it is the et263's turn.


Sometimes GUI set up does not work


Sometimes GUI set up does not work
ckleea 發表於 2011-1-21 05:31

可能昨晚我正在試其他 SETUP, 因為我發覺 6003 轉了 UnAvailable, 但 AT-610 是 Registered 的


回復 303# 亞星

你是否係用 fixed IP,如果係,就一定要加返入去 extern IP 一欄,因為一般大部份人都會是用DDNS 浮動位址,所以是不需要的。之前可能沒有弄清楚所以你一直無法成功。


我唔同意,雖然我地的ISP is relatively unchanged, 不過跟據經驗係唔需要set externip,

可能大家都記得我地以前寫過關於cron job to look up external IP and write to the file sip_nat.conf

我估亞星的問題是先前SPA3000佔用咗D ports, router cache放唔到。當SPA3000 停用,而router reset咗,就可以用返。


回復  亞星

你是否係用 fixed IP,如果係,就一定要加返入去 extern IP 一欄,因為一般大部份人都 ...
bubblestar 發表於 2011-1-21 10:12

今日收到 ATCOM email 回覆


本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-1-21 15:17 編輯

回復 311# 亞星

至於externhost 和 externip 的設定,我也是在最初學習時,根據 Asterisk The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition 一書所講做調較的。由於我不是用Fixed IP,所以呢方面沒有太多經驗。


externhost takes a fully qualified domain name as its argument. If Asterisk is behind
NAT, the SIP header will normally use the private IP address assigned to the server.
If you set this option, Asterisk will perform periodic DNS lookups on the hostname
and replace the private IP address with the IP address returned from the DNS


The use of externhost is not recommended in production systems,
because if the IP address of the server changes, the wrong IP address
will be set in the SIP headers until the next lookup is performed.
The use of externip is recommended instead.

externip takes an IP address as its argument. If Asterisk is behind NAT, the SIP
header will normally use the private IP address assigned to the server. The remote
server will not know how to route back to this address; thus, it must be replaced
with a valid, routeable address:



回復 311# 亞星

ATCOM 的說法,我不知是否全對,但我是用DDNS 會有機會變IP 的,我只需要在externhost 加入自己的DDNS名稱已足夠了,externip 是留空的,一樣可以打出打入。可能呢方面真的是因人而異,或這因為Router 的設定而異吧。


My setting is the same as bubblestar. In my case, the DDNS update is done by the router.

Rules are set for VOIP for IP01 as the internal IP01 address is static, set by the IP01.


回復  亞星

ATCOM 的說法,我不知是否全對,但我是用DDNS 會有機會變IP 的,我只需要在externhost  ...
bubblestar 發表於 2011-1-21 15:23

我試過我在 externhost 加入自己的 DDNS 名稱, externip 留空但係唔 work, 現在  externhost 同 externip 都用  DDNS 名稱就 OK 無問題

