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use AG188N instead of SPA2102/3000 to connect ATCOM  IP01, when swith to Switchfin, the user cannot be athenticate with the following error in log:
Call rejected, CallToken Support required. If unexpected, resolve by placing address 192.168.xx.xx in the calltokenoptional list or setting user 6xxx requirecalltoken=no

after searching a while, add the following to the user.conf under 6xxx
then the 6xxx can autheticate to IP01


回復 256# yiucsw

yes, for IAX connection, you need this line.


Ckleea C-hing:
Have you opened the rtp ports with iptables for switchfin?
  1. iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dports 10000:20000 -s -j ACCEPT
Got following error message: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.


本帖最後由 ckleea 於 2011-1-16 07:59 編輯

回復 258# Qnewbie

As I put the box behind the router, I do not open the ports with iptables under IP01.

Try something like this

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p udp -m udp -m state --dport 10000:20000 --state NEW -j ACCEPT


本帖最後由 亞星 於 2011-1-17 20:52 編輯

Atcom email 回覆叫我在 SIP CONF 入面設定.
我想知道私網號係唔係指 IP01 個 IP? 如果我用 即是要打

问题主要是语音流的NAT 造成的,请把sip.conf里面的externip 设置成你公网的IP 地址,localnet 设成你的私网号和子网掩码的位数,如: (的子网掩码 和 网络,localnet=

NAT.jpg (68.23 KB)



try this

;externip = your wan ip
externhost = for ddns host
fromdomain = for ddns host
localnet =  ;change it as per your Asterisk network address


我的IP-01终于搞定,我先从v373-ast14.uImage-md5 upgrade。

最初还以为用serial cable去upgrade,原来是旧版本才用,我们现在都是新版本,所以要用web UI去upgrade,而serial的作用是检测IP-01在进行什么活动。

在serial里的console,我什么都没有修改过,只是看。在安装过程中,在console在显示很多信息,如果没有console,真不知道IP-01的switchfin的IP是从router自动派的,而不是192.168.1.100。我是进入IP-01,然后issue ifconfig才知道。




The weblogin from svn 373 to svn 437 is a nightmare to me.

Might be it is better to upgrade to 437 before you begin your IP01 configuration.


As stated, there is continued upgraded and "improvement". It can be checked at here

http://switchfin.svn.sourceforge ... /trunk/?pathrev=461

Serial console helps one to check the output and in particular to fix the lost IP issue. (i.e. return to default


回復 263# Qnewbie

    I don't know what wrong but upgrade to SVN 432 should not post any problem. Only problem I have personally encountered before was that I might forget to change the network setting to DHCP during compilation leading to reset to default at

There should be no problem in the weblogin but bear in mind that transition from version before 432 to a higher version requiring a complete reset of configuration. The developer has made changed to the GUI code to allow a even faster response and web upload.

So, always back up your configuration files.

Lastly, there is no urgency to upgrade further as there is change in the config file such as adding extensions_custom.conf, etc


回復 264# ckleea

As far as you know, which version is more stable for working with. I know that we have to start the lower one for switching from ATCOM firmware to Switchfin firmware. Afterwards we may upgrade higher version right?



CK I have a question. If I upgrade a buggy firmware and the web-gui does not work anymore, how can we inject another workable firmware in md5 format via the serial port?

I know that I am late for raising this kind of stupid question.



回復 267# 角色

I have not experienced before as far as my compilation is ok. All firmware are workable and allow me to login. I really don't know why some of the users encountered GUI login problem. The firmwares appeared in tele-cafe are all compiled by me and hence I am confident that it allows login via GUI. The only problem I can tell you that is related to DHCP/ default network address issue. From time to time I forgot to make changes before compilation.

If you encounter the problem, I believe the way is to reload the ATCOM firmware via serial console. You need the ext2 format not the md5 format.

The switchfin developer has not shown a way to restore via serial console, at least from my memory, I can recall I read it. It is because switchfin firmware is bigger in size.


回復 266# 角色


My experiece tell that both SVN432 and SVN437 are very stable.  Just like Draytek router firmware, the manufacturer always advises users not to jump from lower version to higher one every time greater than 0.5.  I think logic can be applied to Switchfin here.  I don't suggest my fellow forum members to jump too fast from SVN373 to SVN456 directly.

The best strategy is to be SVN373 ==>  SVN432 ==> SVN437.  Don't go any further until next more stable release is out.

As you may know well, we won't upgrade Asterisk 1.4 to Asterisk 1.8 directly.  We usually upgrade step by step from Asterisk 1.4 ==> 1.6 ==> 1.8 finally.  Hope you understand what I mean.


回復 268# ckleea

CK, thanks for your advice. In the course of installation, especially the switching from ATCOM firmware to Switchfin firmware, there are lots of file downloads from outside which take almost 5 minitues to complete. If a user does not have a serial console, he does not know IP01 is still processing loading and installing packages. He just saw the download completed and started to login in the web-gui. The failures may mainly due to the followings:

1) IP-01 has not completed the installation process (user may not know when the installation is completed without the help of the serial console)

2) The initial ip is given by DHCP rather than the usual one


