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我 login 唔到既意思係去到 GUI 打完 LOGIN NAME 同 PASSWORD 之後停留0向 login 既版面無反應.


Please reboot again and use your serial cable to see what on.
check ifconfig for the network setting.
change /persistent/etc/network.conf and /persistent/etc/asterisk/rc_org.conf, the DHCP to yes
reboot to see if it works.


SVN 437 should have the DHCP enable in the firmware.


本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-1-2 22:46 編輯

Yes, SVN437 is DHCP by default.  SV456 is not.


回復 211# 亞星

試下 power off -> unplug -> re-plug -> power on,最好連LAN線也拔掉,隔五分鐘再試試。我試過Work。

Rowetel 都好似有叫人咁做。


回復  亞星

試下 power off -> unplug -> re-plug -> power on,最好連LAN線也拔掉,隔五分鐘再試 ...
bubblestar 發表於 2011-1-2 22:36

過左一晚再插返電又好似 ok 返.....安全起見都係要俾 ckleea 兄 check 下


The latest svn firmware so far is still 458


回復 217# ckleea

Switch my IP01 to switchfin svn 373.

What is the next step: Direct update firmware to svn 456 or svn 458? Is the DHCP enable by default for svn 458?


回復 218# Qnewbie

please test your box first, no hurry as other encountered problems in the conversion from atcom to switchfin firmware.


回復 218# Qnewbie

I can't remember SVN 456 with DHCP enable by default. But always prepare the IP01 return to default
On hand get a serial cable to look at the console output from IP01


回復 219# ckleea

Tested partly with svn 373.

1. Can register to internal(another Asterisk host) or external sip trunks.
2. X-lite registration within the same LAN is OK.
3. Dial-out thru internal sip trunk is OK.
4. Dial in thru analog trunk forwards to X-lite is OK.

Cool start test for modem, router, IP01, and ATA(simultaneously switch-on) should be carried out laterly and hopefully they work.


我隻問題多多,今日已經還原原廠 firmware 再試,可能我真係唔識 set 隻 router 去配合…


回復 221# Qnewbie

Glad to hear you are working well. Our advice is to set to svn437 at most. After that, there are some changes in the conf files such as extensions.conf move to extensions_custom.conf, etc. I am not sure the impact.


回復 221# Qnewbie

I'm also glad to learn that Qnewbie has a good start for switching to Switchfin. Agree with ckleea C-Hing that SVN-437 is more stable so far.
Curious to know about the mentioning of "simultaneouly switch-on".  What is all about?


回復 222# 亞星

因為每個人在自己的網絡設備及步署都不盡相同。只要你的IP01本身沒有問題,相信只是卡在某些地方罷了。不用心急,既然現在多了朋友使用Switchfin on IP01,合眾人之力,一定可以解決到的。

BTW,我也是用Draytek 2930N 的Router,一直沒有連接上的問題。

